hrp0097p1-481 | Fetal, Neonatal Endocrinology and Metabolism | ESPE2023

Treatment of Transient Hypothyroxinaemia Of Prematurity may improve premature newborns’ neurodevelopment. NEOTHYR, a multicentered retrospective cohort study about 373 subjects.

Bardet Angélique , Vincent Marine , Bretones Patricia

Background: Transient hypothyroxinaemia of prematurity (THOP), defined as low levels of FT4 without the expected TSH surge, may concern up to 50% of infants born <30 weeks’ gestational age. Most studies showed a link between THOP and impaired neurodevelopment, as shown in the review of Eerdekens. Data about the benefit of supplementation are scarce, with few randomised trials and inconclusive results. To date, there are no clear recommendations regard...

hrp0097fc6.3 | Pituitary, neuroendocrinology and puberty 1 | ESPE2023

Is the 24-hour urinary gonadotropin assay an effective diagnostic tool in central precocious puberty? A retrospective study of threshold setting and validation in two cohorts.

Janot Clément , Perrin Pauline , Bretones Patricia , Malburet-Testori Sarah , Perge Kevin , Raverot Véronique , Robert Zoé , Roucher-Boulez Florence , Villanueva Carine , Nicolino Marc , Plotton Ingrid

Background and Aims: Central Precocious Puberty (CPP) caused by the early activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis is a rare affection that occurs in 0.2% in girls. Clinical signs are suggestive and LHRH-test could be sometimes difficult to use and not always contributive. Gonadotropin assay in twenty-four hours-urinary collection could be an interesting option. The present work intended to evaluate the diagnostic interest of 24-hour urinary gonad...

hrp0097p1-536 | Multisystem Endocrine Disorders | ESPE2023

Development and implementation of a Pediatric Endocrinology Education Program in Francophone Africa(In French: Programme de formation en Endocrinologie et Diabètologie Pédiatrique pour l’Afrique subsaharienne Francophone [PEDAF])

Niang Babacar , Boiro Djibril , Bretones Patricia , Chetcha Bodieu Adèle , de Beaufort Carine , Ladjouze Asmahane , Léger Juliane , Mbono Betoko Ritha , Vassili Missambou Mandilou Steve , Sap Ngo Um Suzanne , von Oettingen Julia , Chanoine Jean-Pierre

Introduction: Non-communicable diseases are recognized as a major cause of morbidity in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). There are 21 francophone countries (>100 million speak French) in Sub-Saharan Africa (FSSA). We identified only 19 pediatric endocrinologists in FSSA (37% in Cameroon and Senegal) mostly trained in France or through the successful anglophone “Paediatric Endocrine Training Centers for (West) Africa” (PETC[W]A) offered i...